Case Study

Meeting Summarization

A Multinational Audit company Automates the Process of Summarizing Meetings

A multinational audit company automated the process of summarizing minutes of meetings with an application built using the ChatGPT 4 large language model.
Industry & Region: Audit & Assurance, USA
Technology Stack: Figma, ReactJS, Cosmos DB, OpenAI GPT 4 API, AZURE OpenAI API, Tokenization via GPT2 tokenizer, OpenAI Embeddings API, Python
Client Overview
Our client is a leading audit company with a global footprint and specialized in providing financial consulting and advisory services. The company has a vast portfolio of clients, including multinational corporations and government agencies. They are committed to helping enterprises manage their risk, achieve business objectives, and drive success.
Business Challenge
Our client was facing a challenge in summarizing the minutes of internal and client meetings. A lot of time and manual effort was being put into summarizing auto-generated transcripts from meetings on platforms like Zoom and MS Teams and coming up with minutes of meetings (MoMs). They required a dedicated resource to join calls to note down the proceedings and summarize them to come up with MoM and action points. Sometimes, key stakeholders may miss out on important meetings due to conflicts in their schedules and would need the MoM to understand the proceedings of the meeting and work on the action items if any.
The client wanted to automate and streamline this task to save time and share MoM summaries with the stakeholders efficiently.
Solution Offered

Our team carried out a quick problem analysis to understand the requirement and proposed an AI-based automated solution that leverages summarization and Question & Answer capabilities of OpenAI large language models like GPT4 to scan through meeting transcripts, pre-process the text and come up with the summary of the meeting based on the custom templates like status call, scrum call, technical review calls, etc. It helped the client to bring out the action items and reduce manual time and effort spent in summarizing the proceedings of various meetings that are part of daily activities and enable their employees to focus more on the next steps as action items.

Value Delivered
  • Automated and streamlined the meeting summarization process as per the custom template along with Question & Answer capabilities.
  • Reduced time and effort in meeting summarization and coming up with action items for the team and the stakeholders to focus on.
  • Achieved 85-90% accuracy in summarizing the transcripts.
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